
How Are Datacenters Coping with Energy?

Datacenters are notoriously massive energy consumers. Here's how some operators coping with the explosive growth of AI and subsequent future power demands

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What Is Needed for SASE?

SASE and Secure Edge have emerged from SD-WAN to drive digital transformation at the edge.


What Are the Top SASE Use Cases?

This primer on Top SASE Use Cases examines a unified approach to SASE for the modern enterprise and the convergence of networking and security


How Does CASB Support the Secure Edge and SASE?

Cloud Access Security Brokers are fleshing out the full security spectrum at the edge.


How Is Security Applied to the Internet of Things?

Attention to the basic architecture helps secure the Internet of Things (IoT) and industrial IoT (IIoT).


Who Are the Major Players in SASE and Secure Edge?

SD-WAN technologies are converging with cybersecurity, adding CASB, firewall, and Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) functionality.

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What is Multi-Cloud Networking (MCN)?

The emergence of hybrid cloud applications and multiple clouds puts new demands on network connectivity.


What Is Microsoft's Virtual WAN?

Microsoft's Virtual WAN enhancement to Azure streamlines configuration and control.

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What is an Integrated Automation Platform (IAP)?

Integrated automation platforms (IAPs) are needed to orchestrate, secure and manage a variety of technology domains and devices.

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What Is Zero Trust Security?

The zero-trust security approach aims to protect digital assets against the growing number of attack vendors.


How is AI Applied to Cybersecurity?

There's a large group of cybersecurity companies applying artificial intelligence (AI) to enterprise security