
Why Is Interest in eBPF and Cilium Growing?

The technology known as extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) is making headway in the market. Here's why

Futuriom Cloud Native Approach to Multi Cloud Networking V 2

What is Multi-Cloud Networking (MCN)?

The emergence of hybrid cloud applications and multiple clouds puts new demands on network connectivity.


What Is Microsoft's Virtual WAN?

Microsoft's Virtual WAN enhancement to Azure streamlines configuration and control.

Solving Integrated Automation graphic 12 23 19

What is an Integrated Automation Platform (IAP)?

Integrated automation platforms (IAPs) are needed to orchestrate, secure and manage a variety of technology domains and devices.

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What Is Zero Trust Security?

The zero-trust security approach aims to protect digital assets against the growing number of attack vendors.


What Is Intent-Based Analytics?

Proliferation of APIs and open networks facilitates using analytics to automate


What Is Intent-Based Networking (IBN)?

Building networking automation with IBN

Smart City 3 WAN

What Is Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN)?

Software-Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN) provides WAN services to businesses, enterprises, and consumers, using software in the cloud rather than requiring proprietary hardware equipment and software.